Consultant Role

As a consultant, you will be assigned to work collaboratively on a strategic advisory or research project in a team of 3-6 consultants led by a Project Manager. These projects typically span 10 weeks and will involve a midterm and final deliverable. Consultants will take ownership of a workstream assigned by their project managers and be able to apply critical research and analysis skills throughout the project. This is a great opportunity to make a great impact on the many NGOs that we work with!

Fellow Role

As a fellow, you will be working on written content – including member spotlights and article briefs – alongside the Chapter Editor, Vice President of Insights, and a team of other fellows. Fellows will learn to apply a highly analytical and consultant mindset to their writing and research techniques. You will be exposed to the GRC community and critically engage with articulate social impact subject matter. If you are seeking to build your portfolio, writing skills, and community, becoming a fellow is a fantastic opportunity.

Spring 2025 Board

Schedule a coffee chat with a board member!